Frequently, yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is seen as “just” a garden flower or an “annoyance.” This is a shame as this beautiful plant is beloved by bees and other insects, respected by herbalists, and is part of a large plant family: Asteraceae.
Growing in many environments, Yarrow can be white, pink, or yellow. The alternating leaves are finely divided (giving them a feather-like look). The flowers are in clusters of four to six rays. Millefolium stalks are generally hairy. Take a sniff, yarrow is aromatic.
Other members of Yarrow's family include Chamomile, Tansy, and Pineapple weed.
I love Achillea millefolium. As an herbalist I know that this plant supports so many parts of the body in a variety of ways, including bruising and bleeding. Get better acquainted with this amazing plant.
-Botany in a Day by Thomas J. Elpel
-Wildflowers of New England by Ted Elliman and New England Wild Flower Society